About Archive Our Lives


How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

We help people discover the richness of their lives, in a safe and nonjudgmental way, using technological advances in media to document the pivotal chapters of their life for present and future generations.

I started this company, Archive Our Lives, to help people write their personal life stories. About 10 years ago I sat down with my Mother who was in a seniors care home in Vancouver. I wanted to videotape her telling some of the stories of her life about her life growing up. During the last years of her life her ability to tell those stories became severely diminished and I was glad that I had taken the time to document those very important stories. My sister, when I had shared with her the footage from those two sessions was quite surprised because there were several stories that she had not heard before. It was then I realized how important it is to share our life stories before they are lost.

In addition to coaching people through the writing process, I offer my services as a documentary producer to create an audio or video presentation of their stories. My main focus is that of a personal historian assisting people document the events of their lives that are the most meaningful for them so that they can pass it on to their families and future generations.